Astro, Svelte, Internet Computer/Identity

Welcome to the Astro, Svelte, and Internet Computer/Identity demo! This demonstration highlights an Astro website seamlessly integrated into the Internet Computer ecosystem. The following features are implemented:

  1. Sign in with Internet Identity. If you don’t have one yet, you can get yours right now here.
  2. Create a new user profile if one doesn’t already exist
  3. Access your unique user profile on the Member page
  4. Verify your current principal with an authenticated call
  5. Upload a profile picture
  6. Send me an email
  7. Explore upcoming member articles (coming soon)

In this example two canister are used: The first canister is the frontend canister, which is written in Astro and Svelte. The second canister is the backend canister, which is written in Motoko. The backend canister is used to store user profiles and profile pictures. The frontend canister is used to interact with the backend canister.

To read more about the integration of Astro with Internet Identity and follow this project, check out the article on IcAcademy.

Attention: This project is currently under construction. This means that your user profile may be deleted during updates. However, if this happens, a new profile with a new username will be automatically generated for you.